Anderson County Appraiser

Anderson County Annex, 409 S. Oak St.

Garnett, Kansas 66032

County Appraiser: Adam Wilson

OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Phone: 785-448-6844  


Results of the Market Study Analysis for Anderson County for the Appraisal Year 2024 January 1, 2024.

A study of the residential real estate market countywide indicated that there is an overall inflationary increase of 9% per year.

A study of the commercial real estate market countywide indicated that there is an overall inflationary increase of 5.19% per year.


A study of the real estate market for vacant lots countywide indicated that there is an overall annual inflationary increase of approximately 4.97% .




On-Line Parcel Search is a free service provided by the State of Kansas GIS

Data Access & Support Group(DASC).

Anderson County is not responsible for the

operation or functionality of this service.


The Appraiser's Office is assigned the task of appraising, or valuing, real estate and personal property at fair market value for tax purposes, with the exception of land devoted to agricultural use, which is appraised at its "Use-Value" for tax purposes. The County Appraiser does not set, nor does he collect taxes.  After the Appraiser has valued all the property in the county that information is given to the County Clerk.  Once the taxing jurisdictions set the mill levies for taxes and the County Commissioners set the county budget, then the County Treasurer is assigned to collect the taxes




MAILED: March 1, 2024.  Appeal Deadline: April 1st, 2024.


2024 PERSONAL PROPERTY RENDITIONS DUE MARCH  15 : Late filing penalities apply after the due date.



January 1 - Valuation date for all property for the current appraisal year roll.  
                  - Personal property renditions are sent to registered owners.

March 1 - Notices of appraised value mailed to real property owners.

March 15 - Due date for filing renditions for personal property leased, loaned, rented, 
                   consigned, or owned.*  These items include office furniture, equipment, 
                   machinery, boats, etc. 

March 31 - Deadline for filing a real property valuation appeal.

April 1 - Oil and gas renditions due.**

May 1 - Notices of appraised value mailed to personal property owners.

May 15 - Deadline for filing a personal property valuation appeal. 
              - Date real property valuation appeals completed at informal level.

May 20 - Last date for decisions from real property valuation appeal changes to be mailed. 

June 15 - Appraiser certifies appraisal roll to County Clerk.

If a deadline falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the last day to file is automatically extended to the next business day. 

* See penalty schedule below for late filings

**Oil and gas penalty schedule is moved back 15 days for each component of the schedule.

Personal Property Penalty Schedule
as required by K.S.A. 79-1422 and 1427a

  • Filed March 15 through April 15 - 5% 

  • Filed April 16 through May 17 - 10% 

  • Filed May 18 through June 15 - 15% 

  • Filed June 16 through July 15 - 20% 

  • Filed July 16 through March 15 of following year - 25% 

  • Filed after March 15 of following year - 50%


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