Anderson County Fire District #1 maintains stations in the following locations:

Mission Statement
The mission of Anderson County Fire District #1 is to provide the citizens of Anderson County protection of their lives and property from adverse effects of fire and exposure to dangerous conditions created by either man or nature as well as pre-hospital medical care in an emergency.

We will respond to emergencies in a professional and courteous manner and strive to reduce the rate of emergencies through education and prevention.

Administrative Office
Anderson County Law Enforcement Center
135 E 5th
Garnett, Ks 66032
Phone 785-448-6797
Fax 785-448-1695

Cruz Gillespie

Anyone needing copies of fire reports, please contact Coordinator Gillespie.

Burn Permit Information

Anyone wishing to do agricultural burning such as brush piles and field maintenance must contact the Anderson County Communications Center (ACCC) at 785-448-6823 prior to setting fire. During certain weather conditions a "burn ban" may be in place. ACCC will take down basic information such as what is being burned, where the burning will take place, and contact information for the land owner or person conducting the burn. If burning is allowed, ACCC will issue a "permit" to burn at that location.

Burn Permit Guidance



 If burning takes place during a ban or without a permit, citations will be issued.

Website used by Anderson County to determine need for a burn ban based on weather conditions:

NWS Fire Weather Forecast

Material such as tires, lumber, diesel fuel SHALL NOT be burned. Kansas Department of Health and Environment will be notified if this occurs.

Current Resolution addressing burning

Kansas State Firefighters Association
National Weather Service Topeka

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