November 4, 2025 General City/School Election

August 5, 2025 Primary City/School Election (if needed)

Previous election results listed below


June 1st (June 2nd due to weekend) - Filing deadline @ Noon 

July 15 - Last day to register to vote for the Primary Election 
July 21 - First day to early vote in the Clerk's office 
July 31 - Public test of of machines 10:00AM 
August 5 - Primary Election 

August 6 - Selection of races to be audited 9:00AM
August 7 - Audit Board convenes 9:30AM
August 11 - Canvass of Ballots 10:00AM Commission Meeting

October 14 - Last day to register to vote for General Election
October  20 - First day to early vote in the Clerk's office 
October 30 - Public test of machines 10:00AM in Anderson Co Courthouse
November 4 - General Election

November 6 - Selection of races to be audited 9:00AM
November 7 - Audit Board convenes 9:00AM
November 10 - Canvass of Ballots 10:00AM Commission Meeting

June 1, 12:00 noon deadline, in the County Clerks' Office, for candidates wishing to file for office.  Declaration of Intention and Petition forms are available in the office of the County Clerk.  Petition requirements are 3% of all registered voters of the party of the candidate in the election district for the specified office. The Declaration of Intention and Petition must be turned in at one time along with a filing fee of $50.00 (for county and state offices only). 
If the candidate does not wish to file by petition, a fee of 1% of the salary for the office must be paid along with the $50.00 filing fee. The County Clerk will be able to assist with the actual percentage amounts for petition signatures or salaries. There is a $20.00 filing fee for city office and $1 filing fee for township offices. All Democrat, Republican, and independent candidates for county office must file in the office of the County Clerk.  Any Libertarian or Reform candidate who wishes to be placed on the county ballot must be nominated by their respective party and submitted to the Secretary of States Office. The filing deadline for an independent candidate is 12:00 noon Monday, August 1st.  Independent candidates must be registered as unaffiliated.

Anderson County residents may register in the Clerk's office or online at 

Currently Kansas law provides voters three ways to cast their ballot:
1)      Advance Voting in Person – voters may advance vote in person up to 20 days before any election in the office of the Anderson County Clerk.  Please bring your photo ID.

2)      Advance Vote by Mail – voters may request a ballot by mail upon completion of an advance ballot application.  Ballots will be mailed to voters beginning up to 20 days before the election.  Last day to apply for advance ballots by mail is 7 days prior to any election. Ballots must be postmarked or returned to the County Clerk’s office or polling location by the close of polls on Election Day.

Voters who are sick or disabled may request a permanent advance ballot by contacting the County Clerk’s office. Ballots will automatically be sent to registered voters with a status of permanent advance prior to every election, no requirement to reapply unless there is a change in your voter registration status.

Advance Ballot by Mail applicationhttps://www.kssos.org/forms/elections/AV1.pdf
Permanent Advance application - https://www.sos.ks.gov/forms/Elections/AV2.pdf

3)      Election Day In Person – polling locations will be open throughout Anderson County to cast your vote in person on the day of election between the hours of 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.  Please bring your photo ID. Check your polling place location and voter registration status at https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/voterview/ or by calling the Anderson County Clerk’s office.

Voters may view their sample ballot and voter information at  

Effective January 1, 2012 every voter must show ID when voting.  A voter requesting a ballot by mail must either write his or her driver's license number on the application or send a copy of a photo ID to get a ballot.  A voter age 65 or older may use an expired document.

Certain individuals are exempt from the ID requirement:  permanent advance voters (voters with illnesses or disabilities), overseas military voters and their spouses and dependents, and voters with religious objections who sign declations.


Driver's license or ID card issued by Kansas or by another state
U.S. Passport
Student ID card from an accredited postsecondary education institution in Kansas
U.S. Military ID
Employee badge or identification document issued by a government office
Cancealed carry of handgun license issued by Kansas or by another state
Public assistance identification card issued by a government office

2024 General Election Results: 
Click Here for Official Results
2024 Primary Election Results: 

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