Clerk Treasurer Appraiser Register of Deeds Engineer Planning & Zoning Attorney Road Department Solid Waste Noxious Weed Extension CouncilThe following lists are a sampling of the many ways that your local county government serves the residents of Anderson County, Kansas.
- Govern, set and enforce policies at weekly meetings
- Approve budgets for all entities and conduct budget hearings
- Oversee equipment purchases, hiring and firing of employees, tax sales, bill payment and emergency declarations
- Appoint members to boards and committees
- Serve on multiple regional boards including Hospital, RC&D, Multi-County Health, Southeast Kansas Regional Planning and Lake Region Solid Waste
- Serve as fence viewers
- Serve as secretary to County Commissioners
- Sell ownership maps
- Provide income tax forms for the state
- Coordinate and pay invoices for all departments
- Answers vendor inquiries and analyze vendor accounts
- Record and post daily receipts and disbursements for county and balance with Treasurer
- Generate daily cash reports and monthly summary detail for each department
- Manage all employee benefits
- Collect timecards, prepare and distribute payroll for all departments
- Sell fish and game licenses
- Record hours worked, paid leave, comp time and pay rates for all employees
- Maintain employee personnel files and job descriptions
- Perform monthly bank reconciliation
- Prepare all year end forms for federal and state taxes
- Prepare monthly and quarterly payroll reports for federal and state
- Distribute reports to aid in preparing budgets
- File homestead and food sales tax claims
- Rent community building
- Manage voter registration
- Distribute memorial markers
- Oversee township, city and cemetery budgets
- Conduct elections
- Manage liability and workers compensation insurance
- Balance valuations and set levies
- Run tax statements
- Work with the 911 system
- Serve on the pandemic flu task force
- Redirect phone calls to the appropriate county offices
- Receive, enforce and distribute tax payments
- Work as Agents of the State issuing vehicle titles, tags and registrations
- Work as Agents of the State issuing drivers’ licenses, instruction permits and ID cards
- Provide real estate and personal property tax information
- Process advance payments for homestead system
- Process Neighborhood Revitalization rebates
- Assist with Payment under Protest process
- Assist with tax grievance issues and applications
- Assist with tax foreclosure sales
- File tax claims with bankruptcy trustees
- Request garnishments for payment of taxes
- Establish escrow accounts for customers, current and delinquent taxes
- Prepare actual and estimate reports for taxing entity budgets
- Issue all special plates and disabled cards
- Process vehicle title liens and releases
- Process title changes
- Maintain inventory control for the State of Kansas
- File Highway Use Tax and Federal ID number applications
- Work with sales tax collections, credits and exemptions
- Coordinate with Kansas Corporation Commission, United Carrier Registration System and Kansas Wildlife and Parks
- Perform drivers license accounting and reports
- Process address changes on driver’s license, taxes and vehicle registrations
- Prepare bank deposits, balance daily transactions and process accounting for all county department funds, balancing with clerk’s office daily
- Ensure public funds are protected by securities and invest funds
- Provide computer support and maintenance, set up and support county website, on-line services, PC hardware/software installation and maintenance, programming and application development
- List and valuate all taxable property
- Provide estimates of property market value
- Maintain and provide property maps
- Perform agriculture use verification
- Assist with property identification, ownership, property boundaries, and land use
- Assist with legal descriptions, deed interpretations, and mapping questions
- Perform sales verification
- Provide explanations of market value and market trends
- Perform residential and commercial index and depreciation studies
- Provide details of residential and commercial properties, such as area, age, number of bedrooms, etc.
- Provide split tax-value estimates
- Provide vehicle and “blue book” values
- Provide tax estimates on proposed structures
- Perform neighborhood and land value analysis
- Perform market analysis and build market models
- Conduct valuation appeals hearings
- Prepare and certify the appraisal roll
- Prepare information for State Board of Tax Appeals (BOTA)
- Represent county in BOTA and district court
Register of Deeds
- Record all qualified documents
- Maintain index of land ownership
- Assist with ownership, legal descriptions, lot sizes, easements, deed interpretations and mapping questions
- Maintain deeds with current ownership names
- Assist in ancestry searches
- Input and scan recorded documents electronically
- Microfilm all records for preservation
- Perform clerical tasks involved with recording land transfers, mortgages, oil and gas leases and real estate documents
- Distribute recorded documents to offices as needed
- Prepare and send reports to the Kansas Department of Revenue
- Provide applications for birth and death certificates and Social Security numbers
- Provide bridge and road design
- Perform right-of-way acquisition
- Maintain road records
- Perform traffic studies and road vacations
- Issue road and moving permits
- Provide 911 addresses and coordinate with cities and post office
- File for federal and state disaster assistance
- Perform biennial bridge inspections and load ratings
- Maintain county road map and bridge files
- Make determinations on rule exception applications to the sanitation code
- Prepare and maintain operation plans and permits
- Advertise bids for equipment, materials and construction projects
- Prepare five-year construction plan for federal aid projects
- Coordinate and work with KDOT on federal aid projects
- Assist with construction observation
Planning & Zoning
- Implement zoning regulations, sanitation code and comprehensive plan
- Issue building and sanitation permits
- Serve as floodplain, Local Environmental Protection Plan and Welda sewer administrator
- License all local sanitation contractors
- Make recommendation to Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals
- Participate in watershed district meetings
- Numerous duties required by state statue and judicial rules
- Represent county in civil and criminal actions
- Organize and review case files
- Issue subpoenas
- Prepare journal entries
- Provide discovery to attorneys
- Provide notice to victims and witnesses
- Respond to open records act requests
- Observe urinalysis collection
- Collect payments for worthless checks
- Handle truancy and diversion cases
- Supply copies of briefs
- Assist with small claims and protection from abuse
Road and Bridge
- Construct and maintain gravel and chip-seal roads, bridges, culverts, ditches and entrances
- Remove snow and ice from roadways
- Apply dust control
- Install and maintain roadway signs
- Provide traffic control
- Mow roadsides and ditches
- Provide fleet maintenance
- Maintain Swank Park
- Clear brush and fallen trees from right-of-way
- Close roads when required from flood, tornado, accidents, etc.
- Perform minor facility maintenance for courthouse, community building, fair grounds, sheriff’s office
- Assist cities within the county with road, ditch and entrance maintenance
- Assist churches and cemeteries with minor maintenance
Noxious Weed
- Enforce noxious weed control
- Spray county and state right-of-ways and keep records of same
- Supply and sell chemical for residents
- Inspect state selected acres
County Sheriff
- Investigate criminal activity and vehicle crashes
- Enforce state laws and county resolutions
- Handle concealed carry applications
- Prepare case files for prosecution
- Serve out-of-county papers
- Document shift activities
- Fingerprint for various professional licenses
- Perform vehicle inspections
- Provide funeral escorts
- Assist with storm watching
- Provide security for county events
- Maintain jail roster and activity reports
- Generate monthly report of civil papers, citations and transport miles
- File and serve protection from abuse and protection from stalking orders
- Assist with court ordered civil standbys
- Register drug, violent and sex offenders
- Instruct county schools in DARE
- Serve warrants and court papers
- Store and control evidence
- Provide courtroom and courthouse security
- Assist other agencies with investigations (GPD, KHP, KBI, etc.)
- Conduct home visits with SRS and court services officers
- Conduct residential watch of unoccupied residences
- Transport and incarcerate prisoners
- Conduct sheriff’s sales
Solid Waste
- Disposal of municipal solid waste, construction and demolition waste, and household hazardous waste
- Recycle common materials
- Provide for disposal on Saturdays
- Serve on Lake Region Solid Waste Board of Directors
- Maintain charge accounts at the waste station
- Prepare and maintain waste station operation plans and permits
Emergency Management
- Coordinate and compile damage assessment reports
- Coordinate requests for state and federal emergency assistance
- Conduct risk vulnerability assessments, incident reporting, and emergency response operations planning and management
- Maintain the Code Red system
- Conduct NIMS training of staff and other emergency personnel
- Coordinate the annual Wolf Creek disaster drill
- Serve on Local Emergency Planning Committee
- Present demonstrations at civic organizations
Rural Fire
- Manage eight fire stations and 150 firefighters
- Respond to emergencies involving fire, rescue, and hazardous materials incidents
- Assist in determining fire cause and origin
- Prepare and maintain fire reports
- Track and document firefighting equipment requiring testing and re-certification
- Receive, deliver, set up, and train firefighters on new equipment
- Provide public safety and fire prevention programs
- Perform inspections per mandated requirements by the State of Kansas and other entities
- Oversee the Anderson County Firefighters Relief Association insurance and perform Secretary/Treasurer duties associated with the Association
In addition to the above listed duties, all departments are charged with the following tasks
- Answer questions and supply information to the public through phone calls, publications and personal assistance
- Develop and monitor budgets
- Attend respective county official meetings at district and state levels
- Attend training and continuing education classes
- Coordinate with and prepare annual reports for respective state departments
- Research grant opportunities
- Track and report receipts
- Procure equipment, machinery and supplies
- Maintain inventory of assets
- Maintain records as required by the Kansas State Historical Society
- Watch Kansas legislative sessions and testify if necessary
- Train and job share across department lines whenever needed