Local Emergency Planning Committee
The role of LEPCs is to form partnerships with local industries and governments as a resource for enhancing hazardous materials preparedness. If your business would like to be apart the of LEPC please contact Emergency Management at 785-448-6797. Local governments are responsible for the integration of planning and response. There are many steps in this process:
Ensuring a local hazards analysis is accomplished and includes hazmat incidents as well as potential off site effects of facility releases
Including hazardous materials incident planning with local emergency plans
Ensuring hazardous materials response capability assessments are accomplished and shortfalls identified
Enhancing response capabilities through responder training
Developing mutual aid agreements with surrounding jurisdictions
Exercising hazmat response with realistic field exercises and table tops.
Chairperson: Mark Locke
Vice-Chairperson: Trent McCown
Secretary: Julie Wettstein
Information Coordinator: Mark Locke
Past meeting minutes:
January 2012
April 2012
June 2012
August 2012
November 2012
June 2013
Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act also known as SARA Title III (Superfunded Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, PL99-499) requires public notice at least once annually informing the public of the means to access information about extremely hazardous substances that are manufactured, stored, and used within their community. Follow-up emergency notices may subsequently be issued.
Accordingly, information concerning LEPC meetings, SARA Title III hazardous materials planning which is included in our Anderson County Emergency Operations Response Plan, materials safety data sheets (MSDS), hazardous chemical inventory forms, listing extremely hazardous substances manufactured, stored, or used within Anderson County can be obtained during normal business hours by contacting Emergency Management at 785-448-6797.
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